Chiropractic care can help you with a wide range of medical concerns, including neck pain, chronic pain, or pain relief after an accident or sports injury. Like any medical appointment, you need to clear some time in your schedule to attend your appointment. But how much time? And how often?
Here’s everything you need to know about how long a chiropractic visit lasts.
How Long Is a Typical Chiropractor Appointment?
A typical chiropractor appointment lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on which appointment it is and what’s outlined in your treatment plan. Your first few chiropractic sessions will likely be longer than later ones, so the doctor can assess how your body is responding to the chiropractic treatment and adjust the plan as necessary.
How Long is the First Chiropractic Appointment?
The first chiropractic appointment, or initial consultation, is usually the longest, lasting 45 minutes to an hour. During this appointment, you’ll meet with the practitioner to discuss your concerns and work together to devise a personalized treatment plan that fits your needs. You may:
- Discuss your medical history
- Review your symptoms
- Mention the pain relief options you’ve tried or if you’ve undergone physical therapy
- Go over your health goals
- Review any other medical treatment you’re currently receiving to coordinate your overall care plan
- Talk about any chronic pain or conditions you have
Toward the end of the first appointment, the doctor may physically examine you to better understand your injuries or concerns before discussing which chiropractic adjustments are best for you.
How Long Are Other Chiropractic Appointments?
Subsequent appointments will consist primarily of treatment and a discussion with the doctor about how you’re feeling and if you’re seeing any improvement. Your chiropractic session could include a series of chiropractic adjustments, medical massage, or other types of chiropractic care, such as stretches to improve flexibility and mobility.
As you improve and your body recovers, these appointments will be shorter since the doctor needs less time to perform the chiropractic adjustments. You may only need a 15- or 30-minute appointment each time.

Why Are Some Chiropractic Visits Short?
After your initial chiropractic appointment, other chiropractic visits may feel comparatively short. However, chiropractic treatment sessions are usually shorter than most other medical appointments for two reasons.
First, it doesn’t take very long to perform a chiropractic adjustment — just a few seconds in some cases. If you only need a few adjustments, your chiropractic session doesn’t need to be very long, allowing you to receive the care you need and then get back to your day.
The other reason a chiropractic appointment is short is your body’s healing and recovery. As your muscles release tension and you align your spine, your body becomes used to the chiropractic treatment and is better able to hold onto the adjustments. When that happens, your chiropractor may not need to spend as much time prepping you (like using electrical stimulation to relax your muscles before the treatment), and you may need fewer chiropractic adjustments in each session.
Why Are Some Chiropractic Sessions So Long?
Though chiropractic adjustments may take a few minutes, your entire visit may take longer if you’ve scheduled complementary care during the same session.
For example, you may also need a therapeutic massage or medical massage before or after your chiropractic care, which can extend your time at the office. You may also add physical therapy or talk to a nutritionist, depending on your goals and needs.
How Long Does Chiropractic Treatment Take?
The number of chiropractic appointments you need and the length of your chiropractic care plan depends on your injuries, symptoms, and health.
At first, you may see the doctor two or three times a week for adjustments, and you may stay on this schedule for several weeks or even a few months. As your condition improves, you may not need to see the chiropractor as often and may only need chiropractic adjustments once a week or even every few weeks.
Eventually, you may be pain- or symptom-free and can discontinue chiropractic care. While some people feel better in a few weeks, others may need a few months to experience results. People with chronic conditions, like sciatica or neck pain, may continue to see the chiropractor once a month for as long as they need to keep their symptoms in check.

How Long Do Chiropractic Adjustments Last?
At the beginning of your treatment plan, your body may only hold the chiropractic adjustment for a few days. This is normal, though, especially if you’ve been injured or aren’t in the best physical shape. And once your body “loses” the adjustment, it’s also normal for your discomfort or pain to return, which is why you need to receive chiropractic care more than once.
As you improve and recover, your body will become better at keeping the chiropractic adjustments, making it more likely you can schedule chiropractic care weeks or even months apart.
Prioritize Your Comfort
The length of time you spend at the chiropractor varies depending on your specific needs, goals, and what kind of treatment you need at each appointment. Though the initial sessions are long, as your body adjusts to the chiropractic adjustments, later appointments will take less time, making it easy to fit chiropractic care into your daily routine.
If you’re looking for pain relief due to problems with your neck, back, or something caused by an accident, the compassionate team of chiropractors and massage therapists at Flourish Chiropractic Spa can help. Prioritize your comfort and find relief today.